Paste as Text

Use Paste as Text to copy and paste content in a clean, well-structured plain text format.

Also available as a free Chrome Extension.
🔐 Full Privacy: Paste as Text does not store or retain any pasted content, no servers are involved!

✨ Simply copy and paste

Whether you're copying from the web, Excel, or Word, using 'Paste as Text' your content is transformed into clean, formatted text.

🔠 Preserve Structure

When pasting data, rows and columns are converted into well-organized plain text.

✂️ Simplify Complex Formats

Whether it's a multi-column table, numbered or a bulleted list, "Paste as text" breaks down complex formats into readable text..

🌐 Works Anywhere.

Clean, text-only output from emails, spreadsheets, or the web.

🚀 Fast and Intuitive

No learning curve! Just copy, paste, and get the text you need.

⌨️ Keyboard Shortcuts

Use standard copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) shortcuts for easy and efficient operation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Paste as Text?

Paste as Text is a web app and Chrome Extension designed to strip any formatting from copied content, providing you with clean, well-structured plain text. This is ideal for situations where you want a uniform text appearance across various platforms.

How do I copy content from different sources?

To copy content from applications like Word or websites, just highlight the text, right-click to select "Copy," and then paste it into Paste as Text by right-clicking in the text box and choosing "Paste." This ensures that any hidden formatting is removed, leaving you with plain text.

Is there a cost associated with using Paste as Text?

No, Paste as Text is completely free to use. You don’t need to download or install any software. Just visit the Paste as Text website and start converting your formatted text to plain text instantly.

Does Paste as Text support usage for further tasks in ChatGPT?

Certainly! Once you've converted your text to plain format, you can copy and paste it into the ChatGPT interface. This is useful for ensuring the text is clean and easily processed during your interactions with ChatGPT.

Can I used the cleaned text in the spreadsheet software?

Yes, the plain text output from Paste as Text can be effortlessly used in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Simply copy the cleaned text and paste it into your spreadsheet, or use the import function to bring in the data.

Can I process multiple blocks of text simultaneously?

Yes, you can handle multiple blocks of text by pasting them into the text box one after the other. Paste as Text will strip the formatting for each block, making it convenient to manage large quantities of text.

Is there a maximum size limit for the text that I can convert?

There is no strict size limit for converting text using Paste as Text. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact us for assistance.

Why should I opt to paste as plain text without formatting?

Plain text without formatting is essential for maintaining consistency across different platforms. Removing unexpected styles and formatting ensures that the text looks the same everywhere it's used, like in emails or different document types.

Does Paste as Text work on different operating systems?

Yes, Paste as Text is compatible with various operating systems, including macOS and Windows. You can access it from any modern web browser on either platform.

Can I paste formatted text from any source?

Yes, you can copy rich text from a variety of sources—websites, documents, emails, and so on—and paste it into the web app. Paste as Text will then convert the rich text to plain text for you.

Can I edit the plain text after pasting it in the tool?

Definitely! Once you paste the text into the box, you can make any necessary edits. After editing, you can click the "Copy Plain Text to Clipboard" button to copy the updated plain text.

Does this tool support applications like Word, Outlook, and Google Docs?

Yes, you can use Paste as Text with a wide range of applications, including Word, Outlook, and Google Docs. Simply copy the rich text from these applications and paste it into the tool to convert it to plain text.

Is my pasted text stored or logged?

No, Paste as Text does not store or log any of the pasted text. The conversion process occurs locally on your device, ensuring that your text remains private and secure.

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🔐 Full Privacy: We do not store or retain any pasted content, no servers are involved!

Latest updates and changes


17 Aug 2024
  • Neatly formatted and structured tables
  • Chrome Extension released
  • Minor improvements


5 Jan 2024
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Better text structure